I LOVE Earth Day Activities! It is one of many reasons April is one of my favorite months! I usually do two weeks of Earth Day lessons leading up the holiday (the second to last Sunday in April). I was born in one of the most beautiful and natural places in the United States, Kalispel, Montana. It is only 30 minutes away from Glacier National Park, a majestic National Park in the Rocky Mountains. I think this is why Earth Day is so important to me. Our natural world is spectacular and I believe we should do our part to protect it. I love teaching students these concepts! I wanted to share some of my favorite activities (some which are available in my TPT store).
The first thing I do is have my students fill out the Earth Day Pledge (a free download in my TPT store).
This pledge is a commitment to try at least 3 things to help protect our world.
If your students need more support with an activity like this ( pictures), I also have this Earth Day Promise FREEBIE available. Click here to see it on TPT
The Classic Coffee Filter Earth Craft
This is super easy to do and my students LOVE it.
Materials needed: coffee filters, green & blue markers, spray bottle, paper towels or paper plates, and water (that's it!).

The student will color the coffee filter with the blue and green markers (not solid, just scribbled lines or spots all over it). Place the filter on a paper plate, towel, or bin (you can even lay them in the sink). Next have the student spray the filter until it is completely wet. (If you don't have a spray bottle, the students can dip their hands in water and let the water drip onto the filter off of their fingers). The water will cause the colors to bleed and it will make a beautiful Earth. Let it dry and display it in your room! Tape them to an open window for a stained glass affect!
Earth Day Vocabulary Pack
Many students do not know what Earth Day is. I created a vocabulary pack that teachers the history behind Earth Day and what it is all about. This pack is loaded with vocabulary activities including; a non-fiction text with comprehension pages, earth day vocabulary cards & worksheets, word searches & crossword puzzles, conservation activities, and more. It is available in my TPT store. I created this for elementary aged students 2nd grade and up. NOW comes in a digital version on Boom Cards!
Articulation Recyling
(Available in English and Spanish Articulation Packs) This is a fun articulation craft where student practice their articulation words while collecting recyclable items in the bin! These packs contain commonly targeted phonemes.

Articulation Recyling BOOM CARDS!
This is a fun digital articulation drilling activity where student practice their articulation words while collecting recyclable items in the bin! Similar to the craft! Click here to see it!

Leaf Rubbings:
Go on a walk with your students and collect leaves (or collect them beforehand). Place a sheet of paper over the leaves (veins up) and lightly (at an angle) color over the leaf. You should get a beautiful etching of the leaf. My students think this activity is so cool.

Make Thumbprint Art
Thumbprint Earth (click here). Tip: Use washable ink and keep wet wipes near by! If you don't have colored ink, dab your students' thumbs with bingo dotters and then they can make a thumbprint .Grab colored ink pads and these no prep worksheets and make a lovely

There are several scenes with trash everywhere! Students will put the trash in the recycling bin! Designed for young learners! Click here!

Articulation Color by Symbol
Need a quick no prep coloring worksheet? This pack is super engaging and easy to use if you are in a time pinch for planning. These are also great homework activities! Check them out HERE!
Clean up the Park Lift-a-Flap Book (also available in a digital Boom Card Book)
Your students will love lifting the flaps to help the students find the recyclable items! This is great for yes/no, increasing MLU, and Earth day vocabulary. Designed for young students (pk-k).

This open ended EARTH DAY themed game is fun to play by itself or as a companion to any speech and language therapy session. Students will love racing to finish first as they flip the alphabet cards over trying to find enough letters to build the EARTH DAY vocabulary word in front of them. Click on the picture to see it in TPT.
I just stumbled on this cute door decor if you want to spread Earth Awareness in your school. It is by a very talented SLP named Amanda Newsome who has the store A Perfect Blend. How cute is this? Click here to see it on TPT.
Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite Earth Day activity is. One person will win a free Earth Day resource from my store. Don't forget to leave your email in your comment!