I received some questions about my Spanish materials on Teachers Pay Teachers so I thought I would share a little about them. I learned Spanish as a second language when I was a teenager and have continued to learn ever since! I currently Skype once a week with a teacher in Mexico to keep up my conversational skills and I have also used the program Pimsluer. When I create a resource in Spanish I send it to 3-4 native Spanish speakers on my team to check for errors or dialectical issues. There are so many dialects in the Spanish language, so I primarily use the one that is in my region (Texas). I have received amazing feedback and it has encouraged me to continue translating my products so that more students can have access to them. I currently have articulation crafts, toy companions, favorites boards, category cards, and an interactive book available! I will be adding more soon! Make sure you are following my TPT store and social media accounts to get notifications on when new products are posted! Click here to see all of my Spanish products on TPT
Articulation Crafts

These were designed to be simple, no-prep activities to target articulation in an engaging way. It is a simple cut and paste craft! Perfect for k-5 (some younger students may need cutting assistance, depending on fine motor abilities). Current themes available (click on them to see in TPT): Box of Chocolates, Robots, Recycling, Treasure Chest, Bunnies, Thunderstorm, Fiesta Foods, Apps, and Toolbox. Spanish Phonemes included: ★Initial/medial: p, b, m, j(h), d, t, k, g, f, ch, ll, rr ★Initial/medial/final: n, s, l ★medial/final: r ★Initial/medial: rblends ★Initial lblends ★medial: ñ ★blank pages (this comes with a printing guide, to find the phonemes you need quickly!) • Don't see a sound you need? I include a blank page to use with any speech/language target.
Game Companions

Bloques BUNDLE! Articulación y Lenguaje: Speech Therapy UN-stacking Game Companion Spanish Articulation Words and Language Targets I love playing stacking blocks in therapy but my students often got frustrated with how easy it is to knock over (and some of my students would knock it over or bump the table on purpose). I wanted to figure out a way to play this game without as much frustration! This is how my Blocks/Bloques products were born! Spanish Phonemes included: ★Initial/medial: p, b, m, j(h), d, t, k, g, f, ch, ll, rr ★Initial/medial/final: n, s, l ★medial/final: r ★Initial/medial: rblends ★Initial lblends ★medial: ñ ★blank pages (this comes with a printing guide, to find the phonemes you need quickly!) • Don't see a sound you need? I included a blank page to use with any speech/language target. This activity covers the following language objectives using functional vocabulary in Spanish. • Categories (name the category, name items in a category, which one doesn’t belong) • Compare/Contrast (with 2 options: same/different on separate tiles or same/different on the the same tile). • Wh-Questions (who, what, when, where, why, how, and mixed) • Antonyms • Synonyms • Defining (with visual cues: what category, what does it do, what does is look like, what is is made of, what do you do with it). • Describing (with five senses visual cues) • Present Progressive Verbs • Past Tense Verbs • Plurals • Multiple Meaning Words • Blank Templates (Name the Category, Wh Questions, Defining, Describing, & a generic blank template). • Fillable (type-able) blank page → Game Play: Start off by telling your students this isn’t the regular stacking block game (where you take blocks off and stack them back on top). Tell them this is an UN-stacking game! Each player will carefully remove a block out of the tower (they are not allowed to take one of the top blocks until the tower is down to 2 layers or no other blocks can be removed without it tumbling down). Then they get to choose a block on their mat to put it on. The student will produce target phoneme and then place the block over it. Practice 7X per block to get over 100 productions per mat!
Toy Companions

These were designed to be simple, no-prep toy companion mats to accompany common toys that you may have laying around the therapy room. Perfect for k-5. Current toy companions available (click on them to see in TPT) n: toy cars, building blocks/bricks, and hopping frogs. Spanish Phonemes included: ★Initial/medial: p, b, m, j(h), d, t, k, g, f, ch, ll, rr ★Initial/medial/final: n, s, l ★medial/final: r ★Initial/medial: rblends ★Initial lblends ★medial: ñ ★blank pages (this comes with a printing guide, to find the phonemes you need quickly!) • Don't see a sound you need? I include a blank page to use with any speech/language target.
Mis Favoritos (My Favorites) Speech Therapy Activity How I use this product: This is one of my favorite activities to do in inclusion lessons and at the beginning of the year as a “get to know you” activity. The students really love getting to tell each other their favorite things. The visuals are great reinforcers. I have the students who need it point to the “Me Gusta” symbol and then to their chosen picture while verbalizing. If they are non-verbal they can simply point to communicate their favorite. Great for increading MLU too! Boards Included: ⭐My favorite color/colores ⭐My favorite snack/bocadillo ⭐My favorite drink/bebida ⭐My favorite dessert/postre ⭐My favorite toy/juguete ⭐My favorite animal/animal ⭐My favorite fruit/fruta ⭐My favorite vegetable/vegetal ⭐My favorite holiday/día festivo ⭐My favorite class/clase ⭐My favorite breakfast food/desayuno ⭐My favorite lunch food/almuerzo ⭐My favorite outdoor activity/actividad exterior Print in color, laminate, and attach ring to corner! Simple and easy to set up!
Interactive Book
Ayudalo a encontrar las prendas de ropa para que pueda salir y jugar con su trineo! ¡A sus alumnos les encantaran vestir el oso en este libro interactivo! This is a perfect addition to any winter themed lesson! Great for pk-2, special education, and speech therapy! Please note: The photo examples in the preview/thumbnails are of the English version. I will update soon. The books will look exactly the same (with the exception of the text). This download is FULL of activities: -Oso Tiene Frío Full Page Book -Oso Tiene Frío Mini Book (half page size) -Oso Tiene Frío Black and White No Prep Version -No Print Version for iPad, Computer, Tablet, or Smartboard -File Folder Poster Activity -Read & Color Page This is an interactive & book that targets functional vocabulary, increasing MLU, following directions, listening skills, and matching skills! Bear is cold and he needs help finding the right piece of clothing! Each page has a functional description prompt (Bear's legs are cold, what piece of clothing does he need?) and the student has to find the right piece and dress him!
Fiesta De Huellas Dactilares: Make a thumbprint piñata! Articulation art! No Prep and Ink Friendly (you can also use fingerprints) This activity was designed to be a no prep craft activity to target articulation in an engaging way. It is an activity that keeps students busy during practice! I designed this resource to go with my Cinco de Mayo lesson plans. I have over 16 thumnprint art packs available in English and hope to add more Spanish packs soon! Spanish Phonemes included: ★Initial/medial: p, b, m, j(h), d, t, k, g, f, ch, ll, rr ★Initial/medial/final: n, s, l ★medial/final: r ★Initial/medial: rblends ★Initial lblends ★medial: ñ ★blank pages . Materials Needed: Ink pad or paint, Fiesta Thumbprints Pages. Alternative to ink or paint: use bingo dotters (stamp the student’s thumb with the bingo dotter and then they can make a thumbprint on the page, works just as good as ink!). To use: The student will practice the target word and then make a thumbprint on the piñata. The student will place their thumb on an ink pad and then stamp it over a target word. The therapist will determine the number or trials per word.
$1 Build-A-Series Categories Companion Deck in Spanish (Las Categorías) This card deck was created as a way to target categories while playing my Build-A-Series games. There are two types of cards: ★ Name that Category (Decir la Categoría) ★ Name items in ______Category. (por ejemplo: Decir tres frutas) Included: 66 Category cards and 6 Free Roll cards. Assembly: To assemble the cards, print pages 2-25 front to back (the die will be on one side and the pictures on the other). Cut out and laminate. Ways to play: Build A.... Series companion: Use this card deck while playing any of my Build A... games. Set up the game as directed and arrange these cards in decks by the die number on the back. Have your students roll the die and answer questions from the corresponding deck. After each answer is given the student will choose the game piece that corresponds with the number rolled and put it on their building board. If the students gets a Free Roll card they get to put a piece on their board without having to answer a question. Stand alone activity: You do not have to own a Build A.... game to use this card deck. Simply arrange the cards in decks by the die number. Have your student roll the die and then answer a question that corresponds with the number they rolled. If the students gets a Free Roll card they get to put a piece on their board without having to answer a question.